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The Furies: A Novel
Natalie Haynes
Gotham Central, Book One: In the Line of Duty
Lawrence Block, Michael Lark, Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker

Ready Player One - pure geek joy

Ready Player One - Ernest Cline, Wil Wheaton



If you can LISTEN TO THIS BOOK. Having Wil Wheaton read this out loud may be the best thing that could have happened to this story. It is definitely written by a geek for a geek. If you grew up during the 80s or have a passion for classic video games, 80s movies, and geek culture, you will love this book. Otherwise, you might just be mildly amused by it.

The story itself is the usual hero story, the poor, uncool kid who manages to rise up against the evil empire. There's a reason we see that story all the time though - it works. It speaks to us. And it is SO satisfying when it all ends, even if you knew it had to end the way it did. The journey is so much fun.

book thoughts: Boxers and Saints by Gene Luen Yang

My review of Boxers and Saints

A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel - Hope Larson, Madeleine L'Engle

I've never read the original book but I thought this graphic novel was very accessible and it did make me want to read the other books in the series. I have been a fan of Hope Larson's art style since I happened to pick up 'Mercury' randomly one day. I really like the whole feel of it. The blue-gray-black color scheme worked well too. 

I think reading this as a graphic worked best when it came to explaining all the mathematical theories behind the tesseract and time travel. 

Would definitely recommend this to someone who is a fan of Doctor Who and other science fiction/fantasy stories with lots of weird but also lots of heart.

Boxers - Gene Luen Yang

I started this book last night and had a hard time putting it down.   I know next to nothing about Chinese history so this has been a fascinating first look.  I plan on reading this, then reading "Saints" before doing any research into the actual historical events.